So I missed a whole week of CrossFit while I was in NOLA but it sure didn't feel like it with all the work I did in the heat down there! Monday I did a make up session with my trainer, Shaun, to go over all the skills I'd missed the week prior. I thought I'd be good the next day since we didn't actually do a work out...I was WRONG. Sore as usual on Tuesday! Tuesdays work out was good, 3 rounds of 250m row and 10 thrusters, and I finished with a total time of 5:25. I was hoping to stay under 6:00 (2 minutes per round) and I did, so I was super pumped. Before I left for NOLA, I convinced a friend to start going with me! It makes all the difference having someone to keep you motivated and vice versa.
We didn't take measurements/weigh-in before so it's not as easy to track progress as I would like, but I feel better and stronger, so I guess that's all that matters!
Oh, and I also caved and finally bought my 1st pair of Vibram's. They felt great Tuesday and I'm excited to give them another try tonight! My friends in Missouri have been telling me for at least 6 months now how great they are and my old gym shoes finally bit the dust, so I figured I'd give these a go. Anyone else have them? Love them/hate them?

UPDATE: CrossFit today SUCKED! Ran in the Vibram's for the 1st time, that's going to take some getting used to! Plus, it was hotter than ever and I somehow managed to strain my lower back doing SDHP (Sumo Deadlift High Pull). So me and this bag of ice are calling it a night, hoping to not be in pain when I wake up! (PS, I know I make an awful sad face...I don't know how some girls look so cute making a sad face, it doesn't work for me ha ha!)
Yay for workout buddies! That's my biggest hangup. I really like my workout program, but I get bored/unmotivated by myself.
Workout buddies totally help! I'm trying to find one to go to CF here with me! Hope your back feels better soon!
I am going to buy a pair of VFF soon, but I have to wait until my store is back in stock! Give your feet a chance to break into them SLOWLY though. We see SO much return on them because people try to go all out on them the first time they wear them. So a couple hours a day to get used to them!
Hi! Visiting your blog for the first time! I have a pair of VFF and they are great! They have helped me a lot with my running. Be careful tough that you wear them progessively, until your feet and leg muscles get used to them.
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