Monday, October 8, 2012

30 WHILE 30

I loved working on my 30 by 30 list so much that I created another set of goals to complete, 30 while 30!  It took me longer than I had anticipated to compile this list so I have been working on some of them while the list was in progress.

Some of these may be familiar, they are goals that I didn't complete on the last list.  I've indicated those in italics.  There are also some in bold print, those are thing off my life long bucket list.

Health/Fitness {0/4}
1} take a yoga class
2} do 1 unassisted pull up
3} pass the Army PT test for my gender/age group
4} complete the CZ "swim around Japan" challenge

Food {0/6}
5} eat one week strict paleo{well, almost strict, coke doesn't count}
7}learn to cook 5 Japanese dishes from scratch
8} master 5 go-to last minute meals
9} try 5 new foods
10} meal plan every month {1/12}

Japan/Travel {0/9}
11}visit at least 3 new sites in Japan
12}visit Tokyo Disney
13} ride an elephant in Thailand
14} see the Great Wall of China
15} put my feet in the Indian Ocean
16}volunteer somewhere outside of the US
17} take Jason to Red River Gorge aka my favorite place in the world
18} print, frame and display at least one photo from each of our trips
19} visit at least 3 new countries

Random {1/11}
20}watch all 100 movies off the AFI {American Film Institute} top 100 list {37/118}
there are actually 2 lists, we combined them and there are 118 different movies on the lists
21} contribute to savings every month
22}volunteer somewhere at least once a month
23} have new photos taken of Jason and I {DONE 16Sep12}
24} send 12 personalized "just because" gifts/cards {2/12}
25} revamp my resume
26} learn at least 50 ASL words
27} attend an Army sponsored marriage retreat
28} get caught up on my scrapbooks and stay current
29} VOTE in the Presidential election
30} blog 100 times

*there is a slight possibility of a big D in our near future, IF this happens, I want to do a 3-6 month mission with children in Africa


Jenny D. said...

Great list, Jessica! I have a small list going of 30 by 30 and your lists have inspired some of the goals on mine. I love #18 and #25 and am going to steal them :)

Chantal said...

I love your note at the end too! That would be quite an opportunity!

Modern Camelot said...

What does a big d mean? That mission does sound incredible though!