Today is the final day of the "Blog every day in May" challenge. I cannot believe I successfully blogged 31 days in a row. I don't know how some of you more serious/daily bloggers do this. It required a lot of planning and late nights for me to make this happen but I didn't it and I don't know that I'll every do it again. For the final day of the challenge, I bring you the final part of my Okinawa recap.
We had only intended to spend one day in Naha so we didn't have a lot planned. We spent one day walking through the markets of Kokusai Dori and our last day on the island we went to Ryukyu Glass factory/museum.
Kokusai Dori
These cookies were strange!
I loved their fish market.
I'm pretty sure we saw some of these guys the previous day while we were snorkeling!
This guy was being walked down the street and made me miss Buster badly!
The street was blocked to vehicle traffic and a big section of the street was set up with entertainment for kids.
These adorable girls were performing on one of the side streets.
We also ate at one of the best restaurants we've ever eaten at in Japan. It was called Daikon no Hana or flower of daikon. It was an organic and "local when possible" buffet and everything we tried was delicious! My stomach is growling just looking at this photo
Our last day it POURED! It rained so hard and consistently that we bought an umbrella and found something to do indoors. We headed to a glass factory where we had a chance to blow our own glass cups.
We weren't able to take them home with us that day but 4 days later, these arrived in the mail. I was pretty impressed with our glass blowing skills. (Mine is blue, his is green.)