I am the farthest thing from fashionable, much less a fashion blogger, but I like to try new things and that's what this is all about! One of my very favorite bloggers, Kelly at Mrs in Training is hosting a 30x30 challenge where you take 30 pieces of clothing and wear only those 30 pieces of clothing for the whole month! I was hesitant to participate since I had already planned (and spent considerable time preparing) to do the blog everyday in May challenge but I've been wanting to do this since I saw her do it last year so I'm doing it! I hope you don't get sick of me and run away, I'll just be posing weekly recaps for this so it shouldn't be too much!
First up, a day late, is my 30 pieces of clothing for the month! It's going to be a very busy month for us, we have two vacations planned and my husband's change of command ceremony tomorrow (I'm writing this from my phone because my husband commandeered my computer to write his change of command speech...he procrastinates as well as I do) so this was really hard to plan for but I did my best!
5 dresses, my wardrobe staple this time of year!

3 skirts and my favorite jean shorts.
(Japanese boutique, Target, Target, Japanese store)

4 pairs of jeans. (These colors look nothing like the actual pants but I could not fix the lighting to save my life!)
(UniQlo,{JP} UniQlo{JP}, LC for Kohls, Gap)

2 t-shirts (I can't go an entire month without a few t-shirt days) & 2 3/4 sleeve tops.

3 sleeveless blouses and 3 tanks.
(Old Navy, Forever 21, Forever 21, Japanese boutique, Target, Target)

2 cardigans.
(both from Japanese boutiques)

3 pairs of shoes (easiest selection for me).
(Teva, Toms, b.o.c.)

That's 28. I couldn't decided on the last two, then these beauties showed up at my house today and the decision was made!
(PX & Loft)

I feel like I have way too many bottoms and not enough tops and I'm certain I'll grow bored with these clothes over the next 30 days but I'm going to give this my best shot and see what happens! I'm going to TRY to follow this schedule:
- Wednesday, May 1st: My 30 selected items
- Wednesday, May 8th: Days 1-6
- Tuesday, May 14th: Days 7-12
- Monday, May 20th: Days 13-18
- Monday, May 27th: Days 19-24
- Monday, June 3rd: Days 25-30
but I'll be on vacation on two of these days and since this isn't exactly something I can schedule we shall see!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
I think I see some mint skinnies/pants! I have those too, so looking for more ideas on how to wear them. This 30x30 challenge will be SO SO FUN!
Love that polka dot top! Can't wait to see how you put everything together
The polka dot cardigan is awesome....as well as the 2 goodies that arrived in the nick of time :) Just have fun and try new combinations. You can also layer items in different ways. I agree I'm scared I'll get bored of these items hahah oh well
This is a fun idea! Makes you appreciate the clothes you have I guess.
Ooh, that last polka dot top is sooooo cute.
I'm so glad you included that hot new blue dress, I love that neckline! And SO excited you joined us!!
I want that polka dot top and mint jeans:) I'm also going to be on vacation for almost half of this thing so i'm freaking out about that a little.
I love that green dress! Kind of excited about this. :)
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