Day 22, Wednesday: Rant about something. Get up on your soapbox and tell us how you really feel. (a pet peeve, a current event, a controversial topic, something your husband or roommate or neighbor or boss does that really ticks you off)
I'm going to be a bit vague here but this has had me hot for a week now so I'm going to rant about it!
Recently I attended an event that was held on the grounds of a very high ranking persons house here on base. The spouse invited approximately 120 women to her house for this event and then refused to let anyone use her bathroom. SERIOUSLY?!?! I'm still baffled by this. I cannot imagine inviting even one person to my house, feeding them and giving them beverages and then saying "hold it" (which is exactly what she told me to tell the women I was attempting to escort to her toilet). My husband pointed out that because of her husband's rank/position, their home has more security risks/issues than a normal home which I understand but if that is the case, then provide another source (port-a-potty, neighbors house, etc) or just simply don't invite these people to your house and expect them to not need to use the bathroom! When this happened I was nearly in tears I was so mortified that I had to relay this message to other guests. Who the hell does something like that?
Agree? Disagree? I'd love to hear your thoughts on this!

I don't know anything about military life but that does seem reeeaaallllly weird.
Wow... That is very weird and definitely worth a rant! How can you invite people over and not provide them a way to use the bathroom? WTF...
what on earth???!!! what did the women do when you told them? So For the entire length of the event, where food and drink was provided - NO ONE was allowed to use a restroom? my next thought was, I wonder if they had more than one bathroom in their house as well? That really makes it worse... Also, did they give a reason why? I mean if it were under construction or something, maybe we could understand. and how long was the event? I am so sorry you had to go through that, but I am thankful you shared... A Lesson that DEFINITELY should be passed on...
That's a little much... how about, if she doesn't want people using the restroom, renting a port-o-potty or something? That's what my parents do when they have big parties at their house!
Gosh, thats a little crazy to me. It's just a restroom.. why not let them use it??
I've been to General's houses in the past and used the restroom with no problem. That's just weird and incredibly rude.
Umm, yeah, that's weird. We had a party at our house and the toilet in the one working bathroom broke - my dad went to Home Depot in the middle of the party to get the part needed to fix it. You can't have ppl over and not give them a place to go to the bathroom!
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