Each day this month I'm joining up with Katie to share with you the many things I am thankful for. I'd love to hear what you're thankful for.
Day18: I'm thankful that I inherited my love of reading from my mother and her mother.
In 1994 my grandmother handed me a book that she had just finished reading. I didn't know it then but that book would trigger my obsession with books and reading. The book was "Body Farm" by Patricia Cornwell, not a classic but one that excited and captured me. I picked up that book and 19 years later I haven't stopped reading and trying to fill my mind with as much knowledge as possible. Cornwell continues to be one of my favorite novelists and I thank God everyday that my grandma handed me that book. I don't read many novels these days but I still get excited when Cornwell puts out a new novel because her books always remind me of the 1st book I ever read that wasn't required for school and thus my grandmother.

PS. It isn't too late to link up and join us for this weeks Thanks and Giving Project! I'll be giving all week and posting a recap this weekend.

Day18: I'm thankful that I inherited my love of reading from my mother and her mother.
In 1994 my grandmother handed me a book that she had just finished reading. I didn't know it then but that book would trigger my obsession with books and reading. The book was "Body Farm" by Patricia Cornwell, not a classic but one that excited and captured me. I picked up that book and 19 years later I haven't stopped reading and trying to fill my mind with as much knowledge as possible. Cornwell continues to be one of my favorite novelists and I thank God everyday that my grandma handed me that book. I don't read many novels these days but I still get excited when Cornwell puts out a new novel because her books always remind me of the 1st book I ever read that wasn't required for school and thus my grandmother.

PS. It isn't too late to link up and join us for this weeks Thanks and Giving Project! I'll be giving all week and posting a recap this weekend.

ooooh, I totally agree! I love to read! :)
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