Each day this month I'm joining up with Katie to share with you the many things I am thankful for. I'd love to hear what you're thankful for.
Day 25: I'm thankful for my BFF(s), all of them.
I know the concept of "BFF" is one person, your BEST friend, but I have lots. I tend to collect a new one at each stage of my life. So far I've been lucky enough that I haven't lost any along the way (maybe one but that's another story for another day).
Elementary school: Holly
I have very few memories since the age of 7 that don't involve Holly. We attended K-12 together but didn't really meet until 4th grade. From that point on though, we pretty much did everything together. School, church/youth group, sports, Girl Scouts, everything. After college we even worked and lived together. She was my rock during my parents divorce and she stood by my side at my wedding. She's the friend that we can go weeks, months, even years not speaking and then meet up and it's like we were never apart. I love her.
High School: Carissa
Sissa and I met the summer before 9th grade at volleyball try outs. We clicked instantly and although we have had our ups and downs, we're stronger than ever now. We navigated the awkward stages of high school together (including our black lipstick infused punk rock days), survived deployments, divorce and distance and our friendship came out on the other end thriving.
College: Sarah
Sarah and I met the summer before our freshman year of college. We both showed up at EMU a month before the rest of the freshman to start our jobs as equipment managers for the football team. We were the only 2 females among 150 males so we instantly latched on to each other. I am so grateful for our brief time together. Sarah has been dealt a very crappy hand in life. She spent most of our freshman year in the hospital or sick in some way. She only attended school for a year before her health became too poor and she was forced to move back home. In spite of it all, she has an great spirit and is an amazing person. Last year she had to have brain surgery and was so devastated about having to shave part of her hair that I shaved mine too to show my support. That's how much I love this girl!
Army: Kristi
Kristi and I met at FLW and I've never met anyone as selfless and kind as her. We only lived near each other for a short time but her love and support never ended despite the distance that separated us. I know that I can count on this girl for anything as long as I live.
Japan: Kristin
(yes, this is still technically the Army stage of my life but our time in Japan deserves it's own stage)
I'm quite certain that I would not have survived 3 yearsin Japan at Camp Zama without her (and Melissa). Our daily therapy sessions on her couch/in her kitchen were life savers for both of us. It is nice to have a confidant, someone you can share your secrets with and spill your guts to and know you won't be judged. She is such an inspirational friend. I want to be like her when I grow up ;-) Her relationship with the Lord and her children make me want to be a better Christian and an even better mom (whenever that time comes).
The day she left Japan. Thankfully it was only 9 days before we did.
Post Army: Only time will tell...

Day 25: I'm thankful for my BFF(s), all of them.
I know the concept of "BFF" is one person, your BEST friend, but I have lots. I tend to collect a new one at each stage of my life. So far I've been lucky enough that I haven't lost any along the way (maybe one but that's another story for another day).
Elementary school: Holly
I have very few memories since the age of 7 that don't involve Holly. We attended K-12 together but didn't really meet until 4th grade. From that point on though, we pretty much did everything together. School, church/youth group, sports, Girl Scouts, everything. After college we even worked and lived together. She was my rock during my parents divorce and she stood by my side at my wedding. She's the friend that we can go weeks, months, even years not speaking and then meet up and it's like we were never apart. I love her.
Girl Scout camp at age 10
17 years later at my wedding
High School: Carissa
Sissa and I met the summer before 9th grade at volleyball try outs. We clicked instantly and although we have had our ups and downs, we're stronger than ever now. We navigated the awkward stages of high school together (including our black lipstick infused punk rock days), survived deployments, divorce and distance and our friendship came out on the other end thriving.
Freshman dance
10 years later we both had deployed husbands during the holidays so we spent them together.
College: Sarah
Sarah and I met the summer before our freshman year of college. We both showed up at EMU a month before the rest of the freshman to start our jobs as equipment managers for the football team. We were the only 2 females among 150 males so we instantly latched on to each other. I am so grateful for our brief time together. Sarah has been dealt a very crappy hand in life. She spent most of our freshman year in the hospital or sick in some way. She only attended school for a year before her health became too poor and she was forced to move back home. In spite of it all, she has an great spirit and is an amazing person. Last year she had to have brain surgery and was so devastated about having to shave part of her hair that I shaved mine too to show my support. That's how much I love this girl!
I think this was after a game, it was always our time to relax and unwind after a crazy busy week.
I'm so honored she was by my side on my wedding day!
Army: Kristi
Kristi and I met at FLW and I've never met anyone as selfless and kind as her. We only lived near each other for a short time but her love and support never ended despite the distance that separated us. I know that I can count on this girl for anything as long as I live.
Some how I have no photos of just the two of us.
We had such good friends at FLW and were always hanging out in large groups. I love all of these ladies!
Japan: Kristin
(yes, this is still technically the Army stage of my life but our time in Japan deserves it's own stage)
I'm quite certain that I would not have survived 3 years
2013 Army Ball at CZ.
The day she left Japan. Thankfully it was only 9 days before we did.
Our families reunited in America just days after leaving Japan.
Post Army: Only time will tell...

We all have different friends at different life stages! I'm still in touch with the best of them, including the ones I've known since first grade.
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