I've been slacking in just about every single aspect of my life lately. I don't know what's up but seriously, it's out of control. My health and nutrition are at an all time low, we're not taking advantage of this beautiful area we live in, I haven't been blogging or taking photographs or anything that I usually enjoy, I've just been cruising through the days. I'm working on fixing it one day at a time.
This weekend I decided we needed to enjoy some of the beautiful weather we've been having here in SoCal so we set out in search of a little hike. We found this area just 20 minutes from our house and we love it. I know we'll be back!
I drug my camera and tripod along and set out to take some family photos and document our day.
I even played with some long shutter shots at a creek we found. It felt good to take some pictures and experiment a bit with some the settings I haven't tried before.
One step at a time!

Good lord, do we share a mind? I've been in a serious funk. I didn't do anything over my 4 day weekend. On Friday, I spent most of the day in bed, reading. I hate my job, I'm not happy where we are, I have no friends close by, and I'm starting to wonder if I might be slightly depressed. Off to finish your post now. I only read the first paragraph.
This place looks beautiful! Glad you were able to get out for a bit. Just take it one day at a time.
Love it Jes! You spoke aloud for so many of us I bet!
What a wonderful way to start the change, a hike in such a pretty place. Keep it up!
That's how 2013 was for us :[
Hope you enjoyed mission trails! It's one of my favorite places, I would go out there a few times a week when we lived in La Mesa. Try Cowels for a challenge next time (you'll want to leave Buster at home though).
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