It's officially wedding season! After 2 weddings in 3 weeks, there is no denying it now. {I'll get around to blogging my BFF's eventually, there are still tons of photos to sort through} I was so grateful to be able to finally take a trip with my husband. It was a much needed break vacation trip. I hesitate to use break or vacation because it wasn't really either of those things. We hadn't spent much time with Jason's family over the past 2 years so we squeezed in every possible second with everyone while we were there. Long past our bed times (I'm talking 3-4am) we sat around in the hotel lobby telling stories and catching up. Getting less than 7 hours of sleep during our 48 hour trip was totally worth it. (I say that because we took Monday to do absolutely nothing but recover on the couch)
The highlight of the weekend for Jason was finally getting to meet his nephew!
Is he not the cutest thing EVER?!? We love him! We can't wait to live near him and watching him grow. {In case it isn't obvious, Jason picked out his outfit for the wedding}
The bride and groom could not have asked for a more perfect day.
Jason & his grandfather rocking the bow ties.
The bride looked absolutely incredible, as always. She works in fashion so I knew her dress was going to be phenomenal and it was indeed.
Jason's brothers, their wives, and baby Liam.
Congrats LT & MRS! We're so happy this day finally come for you both and we could be there to share it with you.
Oh, and on the way home, we flew out of Indi the day of the Indianapolis 500 and before our flight boarded there was a little commotion in front of our gate. Turns out Leann Rimes, who had just sung the National Anthem at the race, was on our flight back to LAX. Once we landed in LA, I had to make a stop at the bathroom and almost ran into her coming out of a stall. She had left her water on top of the toilet paper rack so I carried it back out to her and she was most gracious about it. I tried not to make a big deal out of it, but it was sort of neat to interact with someone so famous.

The highlight of the weekend for Jason was finally getting to meet his nephew!
Is he not the cutest thing EVER?!? We love him! We can't wait to live near him and watching him grow. {In case it isn't obvious, Jason picked out his outfit for the wedding}
The bride and groom could not have asked for a more perfect day.
Jason & his grandfather rocking the bow ties.
The bride looked absolutely incredible, as always. She works in fashion so I knew her dress was going to be phenomenal and it was indeed.
Jason's brothers, their wives, and baby Liam.
Being that it was Memorial Day weekend, and a military wedding, it was only fitting to have a toast in remembrance of those who never made it home. Some people were upset and offended that people were celebrating on a weekend that is dedicated to honoring heroes that made the ultimate sacrifice. I understand that sentiment but for me, every day is Memorial Day, every day we remember and honor those men and women who never returned home, every day is dedicated to them. Every day my husband puts on his black metal bracelet and we remember. Every day I see photos of friends who are raising children with out their father. I guess what I'm saying is, I don't personally have a problem with a wedding over Memorial Day weekend (on Memorial Day might be a LITTLE strange, but who am I to judge).
Oh, and on the way home, we flew out of Indi the day of the Indianapolis 500 and before our flight boarded there was a little commotion in front of our gate. Turns out Leann Rimes, who had just sung the National Anthem at the race, was on our flight back to LAX. Once we landed in LA, I had to make a stop at the bathroom and almost ran into her coming out of a stall. She had left her water on top of the toilet paper rack so I carried it back out to her and she was most gracious about it. I tried not to make a big deal out of it, but it was sort of neat to interact with someone so famous.